So how would you feel if a pastor or a teacher that you admired and followed, told you that after tonight you would fall away? Or even told you that you would deny HIM three times. Would that scare you? And this takes place even before Jesus gets arrested. What do you think was going through the Disciples minds? Could it be something like this?
"Look at all my trials and tribulations, Sinking in a gentle pool of wine. Don't disturb me now I can see the answers, till this evening is this morning life is fine. Always hoped that I'd be an apostle, Knew that I would make it if I tried. Then when we retire we can write the gospels, so they'll still talk about us when we've died." Somehow I don't think so but I am sure they were scared out of their wits. Remember, all this time, the people were expecting a "Human King" one that would drive out the Romans and they were in for a big surprise. Next we read about how troubled Jesus is through all this. Not just the fact that HIS close friends will fall away and deny HIM but HE knows what is going to happen, because it was prophesied long before HIS birth. He knows that HE is going to die but like any human being would, HE questions if it is really necessary. Then comes Judas with the Roman Guards to come and arrest HIM. Now we read in MT 26:57 where Jesus gets taken to Caiaphas the Chief Priest which in today's terms means you get taken to see the head of the Mafia. Now remember we read in Exodus 12:5 that the lambs need to be without defect and this is still going even after Jesus gets arrested because we read in verse 59 of Matthew that they are looking for false evidence against Jesus so they can kill HIM. And Lord knows they tried as the verses continue it says they even had false witnesses come forward but it wasn't until somebody came forward and testified that he heard Jesus say "I am able to destroy the temple of God and rebuild it in three days." But of course Jesus remain silent until Caiaphas challenges HIM and asks HIM if HE is the Christ, The Son of God. And Jesus replies in Mt 26:64 “Yes, it is as you say,” Jesus replied. “But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” Which made Caiaphas angry and he tears his clothes (Note there is a rule or prophecy regarding the High Priest and the tearing of clothes, will post that when I find out). After Peter's denial's and the next morning, Jesus gets taken to Pilate who was the Governor
What a day can do, this day was my birthday, I was born on Good Friday, when my Mom told me that it did something inside of me, I was born for a purpose, later I found out the one who died on Good friday was the reason for that purpose. Oh the grace and planning of God. Thank you for life and new life in Christ. Ken